Monday, October 21, 2013

Fruit Every Day: 20 delicious Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall recipes

Beautiful, bountiful and bouncy, fruit is a truly fantastic food. It’s so delicious and so very, very good for us – and yet it remains ridiculously under-explored in our kitchens. We are, frankly, a nation that still thinks it’s a bit racy to slice a banana on to our breakfast cereal. I want to change that.
It’s time to revolutionise the way we eat fruit. A ''piece of fruit’’ in a lunch box or at the end of a meal is all very well – but there is so much more we could be doing, and I’m impatient to get the ball rolling. And so... I bring you a selection of savoury dishes and sweet dishes that I’m sure you won’t have tasted before.
You’ll find recipes for seasonal fruit, from high summer plums and gages, to the bounty of our autumn apple and pear harvest – and by no means neglecting the rich hedgerow pickings. Sweet treats and puds have been selected for their sheer fruity intensity. How about plum crumble with honey and rosemary? Steamed quince and vanilla pudding, blackberry jelly and chocolate, almond and pear cake? I’m convinced you’ll find these recipes inspiring, intriguing and refreshing.
They might just change the way you cook – forever.

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