Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How Actor Austin Basis Deals With Type 1 Diabetes

Unlike type 2 diabetes – which can sometimes be averted or delayed with healthy lifestyle habits – type 1 can't be prevented or cured, and must be controlled throughout life.

Basis learned to manage his condition through dietary changes, a strict eating schedule, insulin injections and frequent blood-sugar monitoring. It was a big adjustment, especially for an active kid, he says.

"I was still playing Little League baseball, playing in the street … but I always had a juice prepared in case my blood sugar dropped," Basis tells Lifescript.

The actor still keeps a close watch on his health. He has a demanding schedule on "Beauty & the Beast" – he plays the beastly hero's best friend and protector – but he's determined to keep any blood-sugar problems from interfering with the show's production.

"I don't want to be the reason for the schedule to fall behind because I have to drink a juice or take more insulin," he says.

While some actors with a medical condition might hide it, Basis is outspoken about his diabetes. Through his participation in JDRF (formerly known as the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation), a nonprofit advocacy and research organization, he encourages children with type 1.



  1. ^ type 2 diabetes (



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