Thursday, July 17, 2014

Doctor-Recommended Diet to Build Strong Bones

Why is plant-based calcium better than dairy?
The calcium in plant foods tends to be better absorbed [by bones].

With milk, about 32% of the calcium is absorbed. With cabbage and beans, it's 50%, and in some cases a little higher.

[Also], plant foods don't increase calcium loss from the body the way some dairy foods, like cheese, do.

What are our best, most absorbable calcium sources?
Greens and beans. Cabbage-family vegetables [kale, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts] are always on the top of my list.

Meat eaters should have three servings a day of some type of [plant-based] calcium-rich food [to balance out the acid from meat and other proteins]. Tofu, figs, almonds, fortified nondairy milks and juices are also great choices.

The only green exception is spinach. It has a fair amount of calcium, but it isn't well-absorbed.

Pretty much all beans are good sources. People don't realize how mineral- and vitamin-rich beans are. So, have some hummus dip with lunch or a black bean burrito for dinner.

What other nutrients do we need for bone health?
There are 17 different nutrients important for bone [ranging from fluoride, which helps harden minerals in teeth and bones, to vitamin B6; bones become weak when you don't get enough of it].



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