Sunday, August 3, 2014

Have a Sleep Problem With Your Partner?

Another, perhaps costly option: Consider upgrading to a larger mattress. The extra leg room may save your partner from getting kicked in the night.

In more serious cases, iron supplements, anti-seizure medications and muscle relaxants may treat RLS. Seek a doctor's care if symptoms occur regularly.

Sleep problem #6: A marital spat
Women in unhappy marriages are more likely to suffer from insomnia than those who are happily paired, Troxel says.

Sleep solutions: Communication is important to a healthy marriage, so express what's bothering you – both inside and outside the bedroom, Troxel advises.

"Be direct, stay in the present (for example, avoid statements such as 'always' or 'never'), and use 'I' statements to express feelings and opinions, rather than making accusations or judgments," she says.

Also, avoid going to bed angry. If an argument arises close to bedtime, try to find a solution, she says. If that's not possible, agree to delay the discussion until the following day, when you're both better rested and able to negotiate more effectively.

Lack of sleep can lead to irritability, along with poor communication and problem-solving skills, Troxel says.

Keep in mind that conflict can be a healthy part of any relationship as long as it's dealt with properly, she adds.

At the end of the day, it's about compromise, she says. If each partner is willing to meet the other halfway, you're likely to have more restful days and nights ahead of you.



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