Sunday, August 10, 2014

How Menopausal Symptoms Sparked a National Movement

We did a survey of more than 927 women [in partnership with the Take Back Your Sleep program]. They ranged from 40-65 years of age.

We found that menopausal women weren't experiencing only sleep problems, but their lack of sleep also negatively impacted their lives and those of their loved ones.

They had intimacy issues with their husband or partner and their personal relationships were also affected.

The findings were that insomnia really causes a lot of problems.

What kinds of problems?
For example, 76% of the 927 women surveyed said they were having daytime drowsiness.

How does that affect mood?
It causes irritability – 52% of women reported they became irritable. If you're irritable and have a partner, sex and intimacy is put on the back burner.

Thirty-four percent said it really affected intimacy with their spouse or partner.

For women, their quality of life was moderately to highly affected because of insomnia. There was sleepiness, drowsiness during the day, irritability … they couldn't even concentrate.



  1. ^ Take Back Your Sleep (



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